March 10, 2025

Pink Slime, What Is It And Is It In Your Hamburger

광고 Your average grocery store doesn’t tell you that the hamburger they have for sale has pink slime, ammonia, or other ingredients in it. If your store won’t tell you then you should switch to a grocery store that will tell you whats in their meat.

Pink slime most often contains finely ground beef, connective tissue, sinew, and fat. Once it is all mixed up it is treated with ammonia gas to kill E Coli and other bacteria. I myself don’t want ground beef that is made this way and so I shop at small meat markets that I trust so I don’t have to eat or serve this type of product to anyone.

Until very recently most major chain cafes were serving the hamburger with the pink slime. If your not sure if the fast food restaurant where you eat does you should ask them. If they can’t or won’t tell you if they do or not go some where else mediterranean restaurant.

I find it really interesting that in Canada pink slime is not permitted. So your probably asking yourself why is it allowed here in the United States. The Food And Drug Administration says it’s not a problem but if it’s not why is it not allowed by Canada and a lot of other countries. It is now banned in the United Kingdom and just recently the entire European Union banned it. All of those countries banning something that is served every day in the United States worries me as it should everyone.

The FDA says that it believes that over 70 percent of the hamburger sold by super markets here in the United States sells hamburger with pink slime in it. I won’t eat it as a Chef and I won’t cook it and serve it to anyone else. Many countries think it is a health risk so I won’t be using any hamburger with it in it.

ABC News first broke this story in March of 2012 but the story went away quickly and a huge portion of hamburger sold in the USA still contains it. You should be able to find a grocery store or supermarket in your area selling hamburger labeled pink slime free.

Many meat products sold by major supermarket chains contains chemicals and additives the average person would not want to eat. You can look around your area for a local butcher shop or high quality grocery store selling hamburger and other meat products that are all natural and chemical free. You may have to pay a little bit more for your meat but you get what you pay for. I know I would much rather pay a little bit more and get high quality meat.

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