March 10, 2025

Drug Treatment Centers in Mexico

광고 For the past 10 years, the drug abuse rate has been steadily increasing in Mexico, particularly in cities such as Tijuana – where the use of heroine is rampant. Many counter-drug efforts were carried out by the government to stop the alarming rate of drug usage. As a result, a number of drug treatment and rehabilitation centers have popped up throughout the country.

There are many government-run treatment centers in Mexico. Around 15,000 patients are gaining treatment under these centers. But, most of these treatment centers do not offer follow-ups, which result in the failure of the treatments. So, the demand for private drug treatment centers has increased substantially Addiction Treatment in south florida.

The centers at the four border cities – Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez, Nogales, and Piedras Negras – have the maximum number of drug abuse victims. The only drug treatment center in Ciudad Juárez is run by Guízar’s Centros de Integración Juvenil. More than 100 victims, between the ages of 18 and 60, are undergoing treatment here.

The ultimate aim of the drug treatment centers in Mexico is to inspire in each patient an ever-lasting abstinence from drug-use. The drug treatment centers feature a three-fold treatment option, to enhance the physiological, emotional, and the spiritual needs of the patients. This will help the patients overcome addiction to drugs like heroin, cocaine, alcohol, crack, and methane. In addition to the initial rehab program, the drug treatment centers offer many after-care and follow-up programs.

Both inpatient and outpatient services are given. The drug treatment centers conduct individual and group counseling, community meetings, and field services. Training in the tools of recovery is also offered. Apart from these, in-depth education is also provided for the drug addicts and their family.

Some centers offer treatments based on a holistic approach, which address the patient?s spiritual well-being as well as the gender-specific social and economic issues. Wellness counseling and detox programs are offered.

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