Clipping Rabbit Nails: How to Trim Your Rabbit’s Nails Safely and Easily
Nail clipping can be daunting at first but follow these simple guidelines to a quick and easy nail trim.
How often should I trim a rabbit’s nails?
On average, a rabbit’s nails will need to be trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks. Rabbits that are kept outdoors with ample time to exercise may need a nail trim less frequently.
How do I know what length the nails should be?
When nails are the correct length, they should be barely visible through the fur on the rabbit’s toes when it is sitting or standing with its weight on its feet. When the nails get too long they tend to curl and you may notice your rabbit shifting its weight from foot to foot, holding up a foot intermittently or just being unwilling to run around much.
What equipment will I need?
You will need to buy specialist nail clippers – these are available from veterinary practices or large pet stores. You will also need to buy styptic powder or a styptic pen – if you cut the quick and the nail bleeds, this can be applied to stop the bleeding. An alternative to this is a bar of unscented, natural soap – push the bleeding nail into the soap to stop bleeding. It is also a good idea to have a blanket or towel handy.
How do I clip the nails?
Firstly, remember that most rabbits hate having their nails clipped and be prepared for a struggle. For beginners, nail clipping is a two person job – one to hold the rabbit and the other to clip. If you don’t have someone to help, wrap your rabbit up in a “bunny burrito” by swaddling it in a towel or blanket and taking out one foot at a time.